Ford Powerstroke 2020-2021 Instructions

Step 1

Download the installer file by navigating to this page here, and clicking on the "Download ECMSync Pro" button.

Step 2

Once the installer has downloaded on your computer, double-click the "ECMSync_Installer". The Installer will prompt you to click on a button titled "Next". Click on the "Next" button until we get to the Customer Information section.

You may need to move the windows around to see the new popup.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 3

These are prerequisite installations.

Enter a username and company name within the customer information fields. You can enter any value for these fields. Once the inputs are filled out, click on the "Next" buttons until we see a "Would you like to install this device software" popup.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 4

Click "Install" on the popup asking to install the software onto your device. After the program has finished installing, click on the "Finish" button.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 5

On the "FireDaemon OpenSSL 3 Setup popup, "Click "Next".

Again, you may need to move the windows around to see the new popup.

Step 6

Within the "Configuring additional options" modal, click the "Adjust PATH system environment" checkbox.

Again, you may need to move the windows around to see the new popup.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 7

Continue clicking "Next" till we see the "Install" button. On the "Ready to Install" modal, click on the "Install" button. Once the install is complete, click on the "Finish" button to exit the setup wizard.

Step 8

On the next popup select "I agree to the License terms and conditions", and then click on the green "INSTALL" button.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 9

Check the "I agree to the license terms and conditions" to true, and click on the "Install" button.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 10

Congratulations! Click "Finish" to complete the process of installing the ECMSync Pro software.

Step 1

If you don't already have ECMSync Pro installed on your device, this link here covers the exact steps to install ECMSync Pro on your device.

Step 2

Once ECMSync is installed on your device, double-click "ECMSYNC Pro" to open the app. Read the End User License Agreement by hovering your mouse over the text and scrolling. Once you get to the bottom of the EULA, the "I Agree" button will activate. Click on the "I Agree" button.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 3

Using the dropdown menus, select your vehicles make, year, engine displacement and body type. After selecting the correct values for your vehicle, click "CONFIRM".

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 4

Select the "Confirm" button to confirm your vehicle selection.

Step 5

Click "Connect" within the "Connect ecmsync device" modal as shown in the screenshot.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 6

Please make sure that the ignition switch is turned "ON" and your battery is healthy. .Click "Connect" within the "Connect vehicle" modal as shown in the screenshot.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 7

Congratulations, you've successfully connected to your vehicle! Once we connect to the vehicle, we should see the "Module", "VIN", and "S/N" values get populated.

Step 1

First, connect ECMSync Pro to the vehicle by following the steps found inside the "Connect Your Vehicle" dropdown button.

Step 2

After clicking the "Connect" button within the "Connect Vehicle" modal, we should see a popup titled "Do you already have an encrypted tune file, or do you need to create one".

Unless you are a mechanic or dealer, you likely need to create an encrypted file.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 3

Click "Browse" and select the .ecmt file with the same file path and file name as the encrypted file provided.

Unless you are a mechanic or dealer, you likely need to create an encrypted file.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 4

If you selected that you need to create an encrypted file, instructions will open to follow. Please follow the instructions to create an encrypted file.

Step 5

Click on the "Browse" button, select the .ecmt file (either saved or sent to from a mechanic/dealer), and open the file.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 6

Click the "Load File to Device" button. During the setting up process, please do not press any buttons or disconnect the cables.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 7

When the setting up stage is complete, click on "Ready to Sync". This will start the process of tuning your vehicle!

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 8

Your tune has successfully loaded onto your vehicle! You can now disconnect the device and laptop from the vehicle.

Clicking on the ECMSync pro program on the desktop

Step 9

Please wait 5 minutes, or until the light on the ECMSync device turns from blue to green. Once we wait the 5 minutes or for the light to turn green, reconnect the device with the ECMSync Pro program to verify that the new tune is successfully written to the vehicle.

Step 1

If you don't already have ECMSync Pro installed on your device, this link here covers the exact steps to install ECMSync Pro on your device.

Step 2

Open the ECMSync program. Select "Device" and click "Save Configuration" within the dropdown menu to save the configuration file to your computer. You will need this .ecma configuration file for step 7.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 3

Navigate to, and click on the Accounts icon to log into your ECMSync account. If you aren't already, log into your account on the next page.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 4

After logging into your account, click on the "Click here" button below the "Looking to buy more credits" text.

Only approved mechanics/dealers can view this page. Please click here to apply and become a dealer or mechanic today!

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 5

Select the number of credits to purchase, and go through the online checkout process to purchase ECMSync credits. The credit upload process will take place once you've purchased the credits.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 6

Once you've purchased ECMSync credits, navigate back to your Customer Account page by clicking here. On the Customer Account page, we should now see the "Add credits" and "Used orders & credits" section. Click on the "Add credits" dropdown and select an order to load the credits from.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 7

Once you select an order from the "Select your eligible order" dropdown, click on the "Choose a file" button that should appear after selecting an order. Click on this button, and select your .ecma configuration file. For the .ecma configuration file generation step, please follow the first step in in this guide here.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 8

A popup should appear after clicking the "Submit files" button. Review the information on the confirmation modal, and click "Add Credits". Wait for the email to send to your address. This process can take up to 30 seconds.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 9

Once the email successfully sends, you will see a "Email sent successfully" modal as shown in the screenshot below.

NOTE: If you see the email failed to send, please refresh the browser, and start the process again. If the issue persists, please reach out to our support team.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 10

After seeing the "Email sent successfully" modal (above), check your inbox for an email containing the new .ecmc file! It will look something like this screenshot.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 11

After completing the first 10 steps, we should end up with a credit file sent to you via email. Please download this .ecmc file to your computer.

Step 12

Open up the ECMSync program, and click on the credit icon near the top-right corner. The credit icon looks like two small yellow circles.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 13

Click the "Browse" button on the modal to open up the file explorer. Within the file explorer, locate the .ecmc file that was sent to you via email, and click "Open".

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 14

After selecting your .ecmc file, click on "Load" to load the credits onto your device.

Step of the ECMSync instructions

Step 15

Congratulations! You've successfully added credits to your ECMSync device. Click "OK" on the success modal, and click on the "X" near the top right corner of the load credits modal to close the modal.